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5.4.1 Representation Single Modules Java  Script Interop Example (node) Complete Programs

5.4 Module Representation🔗

5.4.1 Representation🔗 Single Modules🔗

Modules are represented as JavaScript object literals. Aside from the theModule field, which contains the compiled code of the module, they follow a JSON-structured schema. The format has several design goals:

A module, whether compiled or handwritten, has the following form:

module := {

  "requires": [<require>, ...],

  "provides": <provides>,

  "nativeRequires": [<nativeRequire>, ...],

  "theModule": <moduleFunction>



require :=

  | { "import-type": "builtin", "name": <string> }

  | { "import-type": "dependency", "protocol": <string>, "args": [<string>, ...] }


nativeRequire :=

  | <string>


provides :=


    aliases: { <name>: <type>, ... },

    values: { <name>: <type>, ... },

    datatypes: { <name>: <type>, ... }

    // <type>s in shorthands cannot use shorthands as types

    // (described below)

    shorthands: { <name>: <type>, ... },



prim-type :=

  | "tany" | "Number" | "String" | "Boolean" | "Any" | "Nothing"



type :=

  | <prim-type>

  | <type-full>

  | <type-array>

  | <string-defined-in-shorthands>


type-full :=

  | { tag: "any" }

  | { tag: "name", origin: <require>, name: <string> }

  | { tag: "forall", args: [<string>, ...], onto: <type> }

  | { tag: "arrow", args: [<type>, ...], ret: <type> }

  | { tag: "tyapp", onto: <type>, args: [<type>, ...] }

  | { tag: "tyvar", name: <string> }

  | { tag: "record", fields: { <name>: <type> }, ... }

  | { tag: "data",

      name: <string>,

      params: [<string>, ...],

      variants: [<variant-full>, ...],

      methods: { <name>: <type>, ... }



variant-full :=

  | { tag: "variant",

      name: <string>,

      vmembers: [<vmember-full>, ...]


  | { tag: "singleton-variant", name: <string> }


vmember-full :=

  | { tag: "variant-member", name: <string>, kind: <variant-kind>, typ: <type> }


variant-kind :=

  | "normal" | "ref"


type-array :=

  | ["Array", <type>]

  | ["RawArray", <type>]

  | ["Option", <type>]

  | ["List", <type>]

    # type of args, resulting constructed type

  | ["Maker", <type>, <type>]

  | ["arrow", [<type>, ...], <type>]

  | ["data",


      [<string>, ...],

      [<variant-array>, ...],

      { <name>: <type>, ... }


  | ["tid", <string>]

  | ["forall", [<string>, ...], <type>]

  | ["local", <string>]

  | ["record", { <name>: <type>, ... }]

  | ["tyapp", <type>, [<type>, ...]]


variant-array :=

  | [<string>]

  | [<string>, [<vmember-array>, ...]]


vmember-array :=

  | [<string>, <type>]

  | ["ref", <string>, <type>]


moduleFunction :=

  | function(runtime, namespace, uri, <id>, ..., <id>, ...) {

      // compiled or handwritten JavaScript code



The first three fields—requires, provides, and nativeRequires—hold static information about the modules dependencies and exports.


The requires field holds the compiled equivalent of an import line. This includes the kind of import, and any parameters that are part of the import statement. For example, the import line import file("./lib/helpers.arr") as H would show up in the compiled code as

{ "import-type": "dependency",

  "protocol": "file",

  "args": ["./lib/helpers.arr"] }

Builtin imports, like lists and sets, have an import-type of "builtin":

{ "import-type": "builtin", name: "lists" }

Note that the require can be generated from an import line without any special context information. For example, in the example above, the path is not resolved to an absolute path. This happens later in [REF]. This decision in large part supports the goal of handwritten modules, where it would be onerous to fill in absolute paths and keep track of them.


provides describe the types exported from a module. This includes:

Writing out all of the types fully, with tag and so on, is quite a bit of typing for handwritten modules. So these types can also be specified in an array notation, where the first element of the array is typically a string indicating the tag, and the rest of the array describes the type positionally. So, for example, the datatype for Point could be written:

Point: ["data",




           ["variant", "point", [["x", "Number"], ["y", "Number"]]]




Both styles are fully supported and can be interchanged.

Since often modules refer to the same type many times, it can be painful to write out the same type over and over in a handwritten specification. The provides declaration also allows specification of shorthands, which are not new types exported by the module, but rather shortcuts for writing out its types. For example, a module that implements dictionaries from a key type K to a value type V will likely use a type like this repeatedly:

["tyapp", ["local", "Dict"], [["tid", "K"], ["tid", "V"]]]

That is, the locally-defined (within this module) type Dict, parameterized by two type variables. Instead of writing:


  values: {

    "new-dict": ["forall", ["K", "V"], ["arrow", [],

      ["tyapp", ["local", "Dict"], [["tid", "K"], ["tid", "V"]]]]],

    "set": ["forall", ["K", "V"], ["arrow",


          ["tyapp", ["local", "Dict"], [["tid", "K"], ["tid", "V"]]]

          ["tid", "K"],

          ["tid", "V"]


        ["tyapp", ["local", "Dict"], [["tid", "K"], ["tid", "V"]]]]],

    "get": ["forall", ["K", "V"], ["arrow",


          ["tyapp", ["local", "Dict"], [["tid", "K"], ["tid", "V"]]]

          ["tid", "K"],


        ["Option", "V"]]]


  // aliases and types and so on


It’s easier to define:


  shorthands: {

    dOfKV: ["tyapp", ["local", "Dict"], [["tid", "K"], ["tid", "V"]]]


  values: {

    "new-dict": ["forall", ["K", "V"], ["arrow", [], dofKV]],

    "set": ["forall", ["K", "V"], ["arrow",

        [ dOfKV, ["tid", "K"], ["tid", "V"] ],


    "get": ["forall", ["K", "V"], ["arrow",

        [ dOfKV, ["tid", "K"], ],

        ["Option", "V"]]]


  // aliases and types and so on


There are several examples of the uses of these declarations in [REF].

Some "shorthands with options" are predefined, namely Option, Array, RawArray, List, and Maker. The first four of these are straightforward, single-argument type constructors. The last one describes the type of list in [list: ...], namely, the type of the object whose fields allow for the construction of composite values. Makers accept two type arguments: the type of the ... arguments in the constructor notation, and the resulting type of the constructed value.


Describe dependencies of the module that are not Pyret-based. The strings in nativeRequires are processed not by Pyret’s module loading system, but by a (configurable) use of RequireJS. This is discussed later in [REF].

Pyret distinguishes nativeRequires for several reasons. In some contexts, like running on Node, there needs to be some mechanism for accessing system libraries like fs for filesystem access. In addition, there are numerous JavaScript libraries implemented in RequireJS format, and it’s useful to have a way for handwritten Pyret modules to import and use them directly. To avoid using global scope or other mechanisms, the runtime uses RequireJS as a standard way to locate and load these modules.

Of course, this also assumes that code is run within a sandbox so it cannot simply eval its way to arbitrary behavior. While Pyret doesn’t currently run within something like Caja [REF] when evaled, it is a long-term goal.

In addition, with the assumption that modules do not rely on globals, this makes the task of auditing modules for their use of special, non-language behavior easier, since such an audit can start from the nativeRequires specifications across all modules.


The final field, theModule, holds a function that implements the module’s behavior, and constructs the values that it provides. Its arguments have a particular shape: JavaScript Interop Example (node)🔗

In command-line Pyret, the module import form js-file will look for a (relative) path to a JavaScript file in the JavaScript module format, and load it. Here is an example:

$ ls

lib.js     test.arr

$ cat lib.js


  requires: [],

  nativeRequires: [],

  provides: {

    values: { "from-a-library": "String" }


  theModule: function(runtime, _, uri) {

    return runtime.makeModuleReturn({

      "from-a-library": "I'm from a library!"

    }, {});



$ cat test.arr

import js-file("lib") as L


print(L.from-a-library + "\n")

⤇ pyret -q test.arr

I'm from a library!

The program didn't define any tests. Complete Programs🔗

Modules as described in Single Modules lack the necessary information and context to run – their dependencies must still be provided, most crucially, and the runtime needs to know in which order to run them.

To this end, Pyret also specifies a format for complete programs, which contains all the information needed to run a program, given a runtime and an implementation of RequireJS. Running such a complete program, which can be done in several ways, is discussed in [REF]. This section lays out and motivates its structure. This structure is not intended to be written by hand.

program := {

  staticModules: <staticModules>,

  depMap: <depmap>,

  toLoad: [<uri>, ...],



depmap := { <uri>: { <dependency> : <uri>, ... }, ... }


staticModules := { <uri>: <module>, ... }


dependency := string encoding of <require>


module := as above

The dictionary of staticModules maps from uri to module structures as described in Single Modules. This includes all the Pyret-based modules and code that the program will use. It’s worth noting that the information in the provides block is (potentially) extraneous if the only goal is to run the program. However, if compiled modules are to provide enough information to e.g. type-check code that is linked against them in the future, it’s worth keeping this static information around.

The depmap indicates, for each listed require dependency, which module should be used to satisfy it. This is indicated by mapping from a string representation of the require to the URI for the appropriate module. The string encoding is straightforward, and creates a string that looks much like the original import line. For example, a require like:

{ "import-type": "dependency", "protocol": "file", "args": ["./lib/helpers.arr"] }

would appear encoded as


The toLoad list indicates the order in which the modules should be loaded. It should always be a valid topological sort of the graph implicit in depmap. In that sense, it’s not strictly necessary information, but it makes running a generated program much more straightforward, since its clear in which order to instantiate modules. This also makes it easy to determine the main entrypoint for the program, which is the last module indicated in the toLoad list. That is, the modules leading up to the last one are exactly its (transitive) dependencies, and run in order to create their exports, which will be used later in the toLoad list to instantiate further modules.

Concretely, the first few modules in the toLoad list are typically builtins, like lists and error, required for just about every program. Increasing indices in the toLoad list tend towards user-implemented code until finally reaching the main module that the user requested be compiled.