3.5 RawArray
RawArrays are widely used internally in Pyret language development.
3.5.1 RawArray Functions
Constructs a RawArray array of length count, whose elements are the values specified in the construction expression.
Note that RawArrays are mutable, so comparisons using == (the operator for equal-always) will only return true on RawArrays when they are also identical, regardless of their contents. To compare the elements, use equal-now/=~, and test with is=~.
check: [raw-array: 1, 2, 3] is-not== [raw-array: 1, 2, 3] [raw-array: 1, 2, 3] is-not [raw-array: 1, 2, 3] [raw-array: 1, 2, 3] is=~ [raw-array: 1, 2, 3] a = [raw-array: 1, 2, 3] a is a a is== a end
Constructs an RawArray of length count, where every element is the value given as elt.
Note that value is not copied, so, the elements of RawArrays created with raw-array-of will always be identical (with the usual caveats if the value was a function or method).
check: arr = raw-array-of(true, 2) arr is=~ [raw-array: true, true] arr is-not [raw-array: true, true] raw-array-get(arr, 0) is<=> raw-array-get(arr, 1) raw-array-set(arr, 1, false) arr is=~ [raw-array: true, false] arr-of-arrs = raw-array-of(arr, 3) arr-of-arrs is=~ [raw-array: [raw-array: true, false], [raw-array: true, false], [raw-array: true, false]] raw-array-set(arr, 0, false) arr-of-arrs is=~ [raw-array: [raw-array: false, false], [raw-array: false, false], [raw-array: false, false]] end
Returns the value at the given index. If the index is too large, is negative, or isn’t a whole number, an error is raised.
check: a = [raw-array: "a", "b", "c"] raw-array-get(a, 0) is "a" raw-array-get(a, 1) is "b" raw-array-get(a, 2) is "c" end
- raw-array-set :: (
- array :: RawArray<a>,
- index :: Number,
- new-value :: a
- )
- -> RawArray<a>
Updates the value at the given index, returning the new value. The update is stateful, so all references to the RawArray see the update.
check: a = [raw-array: "a", "b", "c"] raw-array-get(a, 0) is "a" b = a raw-array-set(a, 0, "d") a is=~ [raw-array: "d", "b", "c"] b is=~ [raw-array: "d", "b", "c"] c = raw-array-set(a, 0, "z") c is=~ [raw-array: "z", "b", "c"] end
check: a = [raw-array: "a", "b"] raw-array-length(a) is 2 b = [raw-array:] raw-array-length(b) is 0 end
Converts a RawArray to a List containing the same elements in the same order.
Note that it does not recursively convert RawArrays; only the top-level is converted.
check: a = [raw-array: 1, 2, 3] raw-array-to-list(a) is [list: 1, 2, 3] a2 = raw-array-of([raw-array:], 3) raw-array-to-list(a2) is=~ [list: [raw-array:], [raw-array:], [raw-array:]] raw-array-to-list(a2) is-not=~ [list: [list:], [list:], [list:]] end
Converts a List to a RawArray containing the same elements in the same order.
check: raw-array-from-list(empty) is=~ [raw-array: ] raw-array-from-list(empty) is-not [raw-array: ] raw-array-from-list([list: 1, 2, 3]) is=~ [raw-array: 1, 2, 3] raw-array-from-list([list: 1, 2, 3]) is-not [raw-array: 1, 2, 3] end
Constructs an array of length size, and fills it with the result of calling the function f with each index from 0 to size - 1.
check: fun sq(x): x * x end raw-array-build(sq, 4) is=~ [raw-array: sq(0), sq(1), sq(2), sq(3)] end
- raw-array-fold :: (
- f :: (b, a, Number -> b),
- init :: b,
- array :: RawArray<a>,
- start-index :: Number
- )
- -> b
Combines the elements in the array with a function that accumulates each element with an intermediate result. Similar to fold_n. Has an argument order that works with for. The numeric argument to the accumulator is the index of the current element.
check: a = [raw-array: "a", "b", "c"] str = for raw-array-fold(str from "", elt from a, i from 0): if i < (raw-array-length(a) - 1): str + elt + ": " + tostring(i) + ", " else: str + elt + ": " + tostring(i) end end str is "a: 0, b: 1, c: 2" end
Returns a copy of the given array, such that corresponding elements in the result are identical to those in the source array.
check: a = [raw-array: 1, 2, 3] b = raw-array-duplicate(a) a is=~ b b is=~ a a is<=> a a is-not<=> b b is-not<=> a b is<=> b raw-array-set(a, 1, 1) raw-array-get(a, 1) is 1 raw-array-get(b, 1) is 2 c = [raw-array: {1; 2}, {3; 4}] d = raw-array-duplicate(c) c is-not<=> d raw-array-get(c, 0) is<=> raw-array-get(d, 0) raw-array-get(c, 1) is<=> raw-array-get(d, 1) end