Your Information and code.pyret.orgπŸ”—

The online Pyret editor,, uses your Google Account to store programs, and logs some information about your use of the editor to help us debug issues and improve the editor. We never share or sell the data we collect, and we don’t collect very much information in the first place. This page summarizes how the editor uses your account and data.

A more formal “legalese” version of our Privacy Policy is at

1  What information is stored on Pyret servers?πŸ”—

The contents of files and programs are only stored in Google Drive, not on servers. When you publish programs with the "Publish" button, or open images from your Drive via the "Open" menu in the editor, the server stores the ID for that file so it can show it to other users who view your program.

We store a refresh token for your Google Account, which is a standard credential used for connecting services to Google services.

We log basic information about your use of to help us improve the language and editor, and enable some debugging: information about errors and error messages, login status, and preferences like which mode is used to display highlights with or if the type-checker is used.

If you opt to contribute detailed usage information under the menu on the editor page, which is disabled by default, we will receive information about the contents of your programs and the edits you make.

2  What permissions does ask for and why?πŸ”—

  • Add itself to Google Drive: This lets you right-click on Pyret programs in Google Drive and "Open with Pyret."

  • View and manage Google Drive files and folders that you have opened or created with this app: This lets the editor see, save, publish, and re-open programs you create.

You can always go to your Google account settings and remove all access that has to your account. Your programs and folders will not be deleted if you do so. You can always manually delete these folders and their contents yourself.

Optionally (and not by default or on first login) you can give full access to Drive, which enables some advanced workflows. This requires additional permissions:

  • Manage your photos and videos and View the photos, videos, and albums in your Google Drive: This is used to import images into programs from your Drive without using the "Import" menu (which can be useful if you have a lot of images for a game, for example).

  • View and manage your spreadsheets on Google Drive: This enables importing tables and working with data sources that you upload to your Drive.

3  Where are things stored in my Drive?πŸ”—

The site initially makes a single folder in your Google Drive, called, and stores all of your programs there, with the names you choose for them. They are all created with you as the owner, and private to your account. As you run programs, there is also a directory called that is used for caching compiled copies of programs.

If you publish programs, the site creates another folder, called, and makes publicly-readable copies of programs you publish in that directory. If you delete files in this folder, links for those programs you have shared with others will stop working, but any copies others have made will be theirs to keep. Each time you publish a program, a new copy is created from its current contents.

4  How can I remove the access has to my data?πŸ”—

You can always go to and remove all access that has to your account. Your programs and the created folders will not be deleted if you do so. You can always manually delete the folder and its contents yourself.

5  How can I see old versions of my programs?πŸ”—

Google Drive automatically stores old versions of your programs as they are saved (as it does for all files). You can follow the instructions at Google’s support site to manage old versions of files that you may have saved over or renamed.

6  Information for Network AdministratorsπŸ”— uses several domains to serve the programming environment. If you are configuring an allowlist or denylist in a school networking tool, the service requires the following domains:





Each of these domains has a specific purpose:

Please contact or for help or more information.